Work Experience

Undergraduate Reasearch Assistant, Tufts University

May 2021 — Present

  • I'm currently a part of the Tufts Neutrino Group, working under Dr. Taritree Wongjirad on the MicroBoone experiment.
  • I'm designing a continuous conditional Generative Adversial Network (cGAN) that can be used to simulate neutrino events.
  • I'm also a junior investigator at IAIFI.

ML Software Engineer, Space Applications Center, ISRO

May 2020 — Sep 2020

  • I implemented Single Image Super Resolution Convolution Neural Networks to downsample Sea Surface Temperature (SST) fields of Bay of Bengal from a spatial resolution of 15 km to 5km and 5km to 1km.
  • I trained the Very Deep Super Resolution Convolution Neural Network (VDSR).
  • The network achieved a Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) Gain of 12 between input and expected resolution.
  • The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was in the order of 0.0001 degrees Celsius between the predicted and expected resolution.

ML Software Engineer,

Jul 2020 — Aug 2020

  • I built a pipeline capable of detecting six classes of wrinkles on human faces irrespective of their age, gender or face tone.
  • Since wrinkles are faint, I experimented with image processing techniques like Binarization, Gaussian Filter and Hessian Line Tracking in order to highlight them.
  • Certain wrinkles (like those around the eyes) are more common than others. I selected the RetinaNet architecture to tackle the imbalanced dataset.
  • The pipeline achieved a Mean Average Precision (maP) of 0.5. It was deployed on the CureSkin application, with over a million downloads.

ML Software Engineer,

Jul 2020 — Aug 2020

  • I worked on a service for JioLiv.
  • I devised an intelligent algorithm based on structural similarity index to filter out non-redundant movie frames.
  • I implemented a Tensorflow-based text detection and recognition pipeline to read words off the movie frames.
  • Subsequently, I formulated a logic using spaCy and TextRank to extract contextually significant phrases (single-worded or multi-worded) from the generated text.

ML Software Engineer, Xplorazzi Technologies

Apr 2020 — May 2020

  • I built a pipeline to detect price tags from images of supermarket shelves and interpret prices from them.
  • To detect minuscule price tags, the Single Shot Object Detector based on Feature Pyramid Network was implemented.
  • A YOLO-based Multi-Digit Classifier was trained to read digits off the price tags.
  • The entire pipeline achieved a Mean Average Precision (mAP) of 0.6, and is being deployed by Xplorazzi Technologies. [View Details]
